sweet cuppin' kates
diaries usually have titles that have nothing to do with the diary itself

you get what you pay for

07 July 2001 |||

This entry of Resa's puzzles me.

In fifth grade we watched one of those lame puberty videos that was entitled, 'Who Am I Now?' In my fifth grade opinion, it was like asking if Bush was a blithering idiot -- it was just a given. I didn't understand how the video came to the conclusion that if you go through a physical change, your beliefs and values go through one as well. Then I found out a year or two later (I'm always the last to know, damnit) that a loss of self is apparently normal among anyone going through a change, not just a flimsy teenager going through puberty. I did not know this. I may know it now, but I still don't fully comprehend. If you don't know who you are, who does? Can't you speak to the village elder, receive a crusty sword from him or her, then set off on a quest to discover the horrible fate of your father, but inadvertantly end up saving the desolate, needy land of Hyrule? (Before you say anything, there's no such thing as too many video games. NO SUCH THING, do you hear me?!)

I asked myself just now who I am. Even my subconcious didn't take the time to mask its annoyance of me asking it such a pointless, meandering question, and it replied, 'You're Kate, dumbass.' I suppose that in the river of popular culture, I'm swimming upstream, like a salmon struggling against the currents to unknowingly meet the reaper (not Yoshi, the Grim Reaper. I knew that entry would come back to haunt me). My personality doesn't change depending on who I'm with, either (except with my mom, but such is the toll of living with that woman for my entire life). You get what you pay for. And if you're thinking, 'I didn't pay for you,' then you STILL got what you paid for!

Funny how life works that way, huh?

(sidenote: No offense to anyone who may have forgotten who they were, or however that works out.)