sweet cuppin' kates
diaries usually have titles that have nothing to do with the diary itself

or maybe everybody can fuck right off

05 April 2006 |||

this past tuesday i read an article in the university's daily newspaper about how if minnesota lawmakers can't come to a consensus on the gay marriage ban, minnesotans will get the chance to vote on it this upcoming november. but according to a poll recently taken, 60% of minnesotans would vote to support a proposal that bans gay marriage and civil unions, and that's fucking ridiculous.

luckily, minnesota legislators agreed. that it's ridiculous, i mean. but the fact that they came to an agreement on anything is remarkable in and of itself, given that the state government was temporarily shut down last summer for the first time in state history all because the very same legislators couldn't agree on much of anything.

but i digress. because minnesota lawmakers somehow managed to get their shit together in record time, minnesotans probably won't get to vote on the proposal banning gay marriage this november. i found out because it made the front page headline of the minneapolis paper. right below the bold face headline there was a picture of a protesters making signs that read "let us vote" in big fat rainbow block letters, which led me to believe that said protesters are in favor of gay marriage. but if it were up to minnesotans, they'd ban gay marrage in a heartbeat. they'd probably ban gay people in general, actually.

in summation, protesters can fuck right off.

and now, conversations that took place between my parents and me this past weekend.

me: "could you possibly take my jeans in to be hemmed sometime this week?"
mom: "sure. how much do you want hemmed?"
me (folds up jeans and takes a look): "that looks like it's about 2 inches, doesn't it?"
mom: "why don't you get the yard stick out and measure it?"
me: "that's okay. it looks like it's 2 inches to me."
mom: "measure it. i don't want you telling me that i had too much hemmed all because you refused to measure it."
me: "first of all, hems can be undone. second of all, it's two inches. these pants hit the floor even when i have stilettos on."
mom (takes matters into her own hands and measures it herself): "...two inches."
me: "yeah."

(my parents and i are right about to head out the door.)
dad: "go ahead and leave, and i'll set the alarm."
me: "set it now. i haven't put on my shoes yet."
dad: "the door has to be closed."
me: "it is closed. the door can be closed while i'm inside the house, you know."
dad (stops to think): "just leave."