sweet cuppin' kates
diaries usually have titles that have nothing to do with the diary itself

don't feed the koalas

23 October 2001 |||

The following is an excerpt from a real-life account, portraying my loyalty to Diaryland through the art of recruitment.

AngeLofIllusioN: Why did you get a diary in the first place, 'Hraig?
AngeLofIllusioN: 'HRAIG! -blows a whistle- ABOUT FACE!
RedClaw49: -lol-
RedClaw49: -snaps to attention-
RedClaw49: Yes, M'AM!
AngeLofIllusioN: Why did you get a diary in the first place and use it for one measly entry? Why?! WHY, I ASK?!
RedClaw49: Because I'm lazy, M'am.
AngeLofIllusioN: Then why did you begin a diary, knowing well that you are LAZY, soldier?!
RedClaw49: It was suggested to me by a friend, M'am!
AngeLofIllusioN: And I'm suggesting you pick up the pace and add some more ENTRIES, soldier!
RedClaw49: No, M'am!
AngeLofIllusioN: Or you will soon find your grill capped and your house BURNED TO THE GROUND, soldier!
RedClaw49: -lol-
RedClaw49: Grill capped? ;p
RedClaw49: NO, M'am. I do not know what it is, M'am.
RedClaw49: -lol-
AngeLofIllusioN:Maybe if you DUST the cobwebs from the WINDMILLS of your MIND you'll discover that keeping a diary leads to the path of ENLIGHTENMENT and soon you'll find yourself KEENLY AWARE of what occurs in the 'capping of the grill,' soldier!
RedClaw49: -LOL!-
RedClaw49: No, M'am.
AngeLofIllusioN: Why do you meekly utter 'NO,' soldier?!
RedClaw49: -lol-
RedClaw49: NO, M'am.
AngeLofIllusioN: Why is it that you SHUN the medicinal and spiritual benefits of a DIARY, soldier?! Is it perhaps that your die-hard usage of PLASTIC SHEETS leaves you feeling too feminine, soldier?! Do you think DIARIES are for PANSIES, soldier?!
RedClaw49: -LOL!-
RedClaw49: Plastic sheets?
AngeLofIllusioN: Don't feign ignorance with me, soldier. We both are aware of your chronic bed-wetting syndrome.
RedClaw49: -lol-
AngeLofIllusioN: Well, soldier? Why do you CAST AWAY the LOVE diaries have for you and your people, soldier?
RedClaw49: -lol-
RedClaw49: BRB.
AngeLofIllusioN: I do not recall giving you permission to go wipe away the tears of defeat, soldier.
RedClaw49: Back.
RedClaw49: -is no longer teary- :P
AngeLofIllusioN: The time has come, soldier. Answer my COLD, COLD questions that are lacking in MERCY and LOVE.
RedClaw49: -LOL!-
RedClaw49: Like what?
AngeLofIllusioN: Why have you SHUNNED the ways of the DIARY people, soldier? A people who are rich in CULTURE and DIVERSITY. Why do you TURN YOUR BACK upon them when all they are seeking is ACCEPTANCE, soldier?
AngeLofIllusioN: Why do you so VEHEMENTLY REFUSE, in all of your TREMBLING WEAKNESS, to join the CIRCLE of DIARIES that remains UNBROKEN?
RedClaw49: -lol-
RedClaw49: Oh dear. ;-)
AngeLofIllusioN: Why do you SELFISHLY IGNORE my ATTEMPTS to set you upon the PATH of RIGHTEOUSNESS, soldier?
RedClaw49: -lmao-
RedClaw49: 'Cause it's fun.
AngeLofIllusioN: Let me make you aware of some INSIGHT, soldier. If you do not begin using your diary CONTINUALLY, sharing with it your INNERMOST SECRETS, there will be consequences.
AngeLofIllusioN: Such consequences include having your skin PEELED from your CHILLY BODY with the aid of a CHEESE GRATER.
RedClaw49: -lol-
AngeLofIllusioN: Your hideous remains will then be SMEARED upon the walls, a reminder to ALL to love, respect, and embrace their OWN diaries, in the collaborative efforts shared by everyone to help their diaries feel ACCEPTED.
AngeLofIllusioN: The walls are closing in, soldier. Hold your diary CLOSE within the circle of your arms...
RedClaw49: I see.
AngeLofIllusioN: ...or face having your limbs shipped off to THIRD WORLD COUNTIRES to use as BASEBALL BATS.
AngeLofIllusioN:The time is now, soldier. Will you shower your diary with love and take advantage of it like a cheap slut? Or will you sacrifice yourself as FOOD for the CARNIVOROUS KOALAS?